What does the coaching process involve?

Contact me for more information and a FREE introduction video or voice call

I offer a safe space for you to thrive. I will listen and ask questions that will lead you to being ready to explore the real you.

If you decide to take a Package of hours, which offers good value, you have the options of tailored activities and communication between sessions - you use the hours paid for how you wish. I know what it is like to already feel squeezed for time and low on energy to start the process of change.

I like to use the GROW coaching model, as it's adaptable. Read my Guide to the GROW coaching model

We will use life coaching along with NLP/NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING and Time Line Therapy® techniques - safe linguistic coaching tools that do not require the coach knows the details of any events in your life, so your experiences are private.

I am also qualified in Advanced Coaching techniques that include Transactional Analysis (TA) processes which are simple to grasp and easy to apply in everyday life. Read about TA in Thoughts

Who is the Canalside Life Coach?

Anne Brookes is the Canalside Life Coach and looks forward to meeting you for online life coaching sessions or in-person coaching if you're near Birmingham!

My values :

Collaboration: I partner with my clients in a compassionate way

Integrity: Our space is professional and private

Impact: Change is facilitated in alliance with my clients

Honesty: I give people dedicated attention so we can achieve positive outcomes

Read more About me in Here for You

I have benefited so much in the past few years from being in nature - I care about the green spaces that we need to thrive.

Contact me for more information and a FREE consultation

COACHING or Counselling?

Coaching is Solution-focused. Life coaches emphasize practical strategies and action plans.

We work towards the OUTCOME you want, progressively and with ease. If it is needed we sift through any blockers and limiting beliefs.

The coach doesn't need to know the content or even the details of your experiences - you don't have to explain to someone who can't relate.

HOW TO CHOOSE a life coach

To find the best coach for your needs:

Work out what you expect and what you want to achieve - do you prefer a coach who is friendly and supportive? Do you want someone to challenge you and hold you accountable? (I do both! - lots of experience with that balancing act)

Do you want to be given a different perspective or want someone with a similar background?

You want to feel you can trust this person and be confident that a session is starting the journey you will go on as you work together.

Ask: do I resonate with this coach? do I feel motivated and comfortable?


Let's talk - Arrange your complimentary introduction video or voice call


Neuro Linguistic Programming has a number of practical techniques which you will feel working effectively. You focus on positive outcomes.

You will quickly learn ways to feel in control and at ease with your thoughts with these tried and tested, safe linguistic coaching tools.

WHAT IS Time Line Therapy®?

Time Line Therapy® allows you to release the 5 main negative emotions. This helps you unlock and remove a limiting belief or limiting decision, which may have been holding you back or making you uncertain which way to go.

Your professionally qualified, experienced and supportive Life Coach does not need to know the specific content of events - your experiences are private.

WHAT IS Transactional Analysis or TA?

Designed to promote personal development and change, developed by psychiatrist Eric Berne, TA examines and enhances a person's relationship with oneself, as well as interactions with others.

I have a Blog about TA in Thoughts.

I am qualified and certified in Advanced Coaching – with Processes for Personal & Professional Transformation [nlp school], which included TA and Re-scripting.

Benefits of working with a Life Coach?

Definition provided via Google Gemini:

"A life coach is a professional who helps people identify and achieve their goals in various aspects of life. They are not therapists or counsellors, but rather trusted companions and guides who work with you to unlock your true potential and navigate personal challenges.

Benefits of working with a life coach:

  • Greater clarity and focus: Gaining a better understanding of your values, desires, and challenges.
  • Improved goal setting and achievement: Developing actionable plans and staying motivated to reach your goals.
  • Enhanced self-confidence and self-awareness: Recognizing your strengths, overcoming limiting beliefs, and building resilience.
  • Better decision-making and problem-solving: Developing effective strategies to navigate challenges and create positive change."

I am qualified and certified as a Life Coach, an NLP Coach and Practitioner, also in Time Line Therapy®

canalsidecoach.app © is a space to reflect, boost the positives and achieve your outcomes

and is a trading name of AJBC Ltd Registered in England